

Race the Sun Charity Fundraising Event

In June Ian and Chris will be taking part in a Race the Sun, a charity fundraising event to help raise money for the charity Action Medical Research. >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<< WHYDuring a group conversation on WhatsApp about getting fit

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4 Proven Ways to Mitigate the Costs of a Data Breach

No business wants to suffer a data breach. But unfortunately, in today’s environment, it’s difficult to completely avoid them. Approximately 83% of organizations have experienced more than one data breach. (IBM Security 2022 Cost of a Data Breach Report) These

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Free illustrations of Metaverse

How Is the Metaverse Going to Change Business?

The new buzzword around town is “metaverse.” But what does that actually mean for businesses? Is it just something that social media companies need to be concerned about? According to people like Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, the metaverse is coming.

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