Office Tuck Shop Raises £593 for Charity

Little Stars is a local charity that gives a helping hand to vulnerable families in Shropshire. They help by supplying baby packs and essentials like cots, stair gates and pre-loved uniform.

There is a small team behind Little Stars, who work very hard managing donations and getting them to the people who need them the most. They ensure children have access to essentials and clothes at every stage of childhood.

Research shows that 29% of children in Shrewsbury are living in poverty, so the charity’s work is a lifeline in our local community. When we heard what Leanne and her team were doing, we were eager to do our bit.

Start Tech are proud to support Little Stars in several ways. They receive our full-service IT package free of charge which means they have a fully cyber-secure system, we’ll support any growth within the charity, and there will always be a friendly team at the end of the phone whenever they need us.

Our support doesn’t stop there!

We started an office tuck shop in February where we buy in lots of tasty treats which the team can purchase for a donation. And thanks to our greedy team, by the summer we had raised £593.25 for Little Stars! The tuck shop is now a permanent fixture in the office so we can continue fundraising.

At Start Tech, each member of staff is allowed 2 days per year to volunteer. It’s a way of giving back to the local community with an enriching experience that is fulfilling for our team too. Last week Lewis spent the day at Little Stars helping Leanne in their shop.

Lewis and Leanne at the Little Stars shop

We’re also sponsoring their Halloween Ball which is happening on November 1st at the Albright Hussey and promises to be a great night. Find out more about it here.

To find out more about Little Stars, visit their website here.

Three members of the Start Tech team holding a basket of snacks