Looking for the absolute best local talent to join the team here at Start Tech
Apprenticeships have been a successful way for us to train and integrate team members for several years now. We are a team of seventeen, and six of us come through an apprenticeship scheme.
As our industry continues to grow, we believe the importance of working with local schools & colleges to create opportunities for young students is more important than ever.
Working with schools to offer work experience opportunities gives students a flavour of what it’s like working in the IT & Cyber security industry, whilst allowing them an overall insight into work life after school.
Work experience
This is Dexter, he joined us last week to complete his work experience.
It was great to have a young person with a talent and passion for technology join us for a week, Dexter settled straight in with the team and smashed every task we put in front of him.
“He used great initiative especially when solving issues during the Python and HTML challenges we set for him. He demonstrated a strong ability to learn when faced with a variety of Cyber Security training courses, which he passed with flying colours. His work on the HTML website was especially impressive as he needed no input from other members of the team.
All in all, it’s been a pleasure to have him with us this week and we’d happily welcome him back if he ever decided to complete an apprenticeship.” – Josh Upton, Service Desk Manager.
Our Managing Director, Ian Groves added.
“If it wasn’t for the work experience placement I did, I don’t believe I would be where I am in my career today.
Work experience is a win-win. Young people get to see what working life can be like after school, and employers get to see potential future talent.
It was fantastic having Dexter with us for the week. He was really engaging and very knowledgeable. If a future in IT is what he chooses, I can see a fantastic career ahead for him.”
Out in the community
We have teamed up with Andrew Goff and Career Cards, a school careers guidance platform helping school and college students plan their potential future career paths.
With this, we have recently started attending schools to deliver presentations and insights into careers in IT & cyber security.